Despite criticism, DeSantis’s school board picks won elections

The rise of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis confounds the mainstream media, teachers’ unions, and the Left. One of his major accomplishments was reshaping school board candidates in Florida.
The 74 Million reported that all six of DeSantis’s endorsed candidates won their school board races last week. The website noted that of the thirty candidates he endorsed in 2022, twenty-five of them won election.
The list of candidates are:
- Stephanie Busin
- Jacqueline Rosario
- Jamie Haynes
- Sam Fisher
- Cindy Spray
- Al Hernandez
Busin, Rosario, and Haynes were running for re-election, while Fisher, Spray, and Hernandez were running for open school board seats.
The candidate that faced a tricky ballot situation as Hernandez, who reportedly was removed from the ballot due to residency concerns. But Hernandez won his appeal and was placed back on the ballot.
Going six-for-six at the school board level is quite a feat, particularly due to the fact that Republicans’ midterm results failed to match the media-infused hype.
DeSantis has been at the receiving end of media and left-wing criticism since his meteoric rise in politics during the coronavirus pandemic. Parents approved the passage of the parental rights in education law, which he signed, and DeSantis rolled to re-election last week over his Democratic Party challenger, former Republican governor and Democratic congressman Charlie Crist.