Homeschoolers Are Underpaid Too

, Lisa Munson Crews, Leave a comment

I think it’s funny when public school teachers complain about being underpaid.

The argument that poor pay equals poor performance is not based in reality.

• Homeschooling moms out perform public school teachers, yet receive no pay at all. As a matter of fact, almost all live on one income and have downscaled their lives accordingly.

• Homeschoolers on average have more children than the general population which means making fewer dollars stretch to meet the needs of more people in their households.

• Additionally, most of us do not receive tax breaks for our teaching materials, so we pay twice to educate our children.

The funny thing is, when you hang around homeschool moms, they never complain about money issues. They talk about how grateful they are to be with their children and the enormous satisfaction that comes with giving them a quality education.

They talk in terms of personally investing in the next generation through hard work, not about throwing other people’s money at a problem.

Lisa Munson Crews is a homeschooling mother of three children.