Johns Hopkins University will maintain it’s relationship with the U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency despite petitions from members of the JHU community that it abrogate such ties. “Johns Hopkins University today responded to concerns raised recently about the university’s contractual relationships with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, or ICE, saying that though issues identified by members of the university community are ‘serious and deserve a considered response,’ the university does not intend to end agreements that provide education and training to the agency,” the Hub at JHU reported on October 17, 2018. “ICE has come under criticism of late for its role in carrying out controversial federal immigration policies, particularly directives related to family separation and deportation.”
“A petition urging the university to disassociate itself from the agency and signed by nearly 2,000 individuals—the majority of them Johns Hopkins students, faculty, staff, and alumni—was delivered to the president’s office in Garland Hall on Sept. 21.”