Recent Articles

Fired Up

, Allie Winegar Duzett

Rafe Esquith is a one-in-a-million teacher: he truly believes that each of his students can be extraordinary, with proper coaching.

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Fear God, Guarantee Liberty

, Charles G. Mills

Every complex society is led by a class of politicians, bureaucrats, journalists, lawyers, judges, intellectuals, and other people who know how to influence it. Once this political or ruling class ceases to fear God, it will begin to enhance its power at the expense of the liberty of the people.

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New Summertime Blues

, Allie Winegar Duzett

President Obama doesn’t just have plans to reform American policies on health care, national security, and international relations—he also has great plans for education reform, including lengthening both school days and school years.

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Fairly Unbalanced Contributor

, Cliff Kincaid

Marc Lamont Hill is being presented to the FNC viewing audience on a regular basis as just “a Columbia University professor” with expertise on a wide range of domestic and foreign policy issues.

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Iran Exposed

, Allie Winegar Duzett

While activists in New York City got attention for opposing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to the United Nations last week, the New York City protesters were not the only ones to make their voices heard. Another protest in Washington, D.C., also featured those concerned about Iran.

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Iran Unmasked

, Sarah Carlsruh

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke in front of the United Nations General Assembly on September 21st, a fact that brought protestors together in cities across the United States.

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Administrative Overload

, Allie Winegar Duzett

A recent event, entitled Total Student Load: The Secret to Boosting School Performance?, and William Ouchi’s recent book, The Secret of TSL, both pose solutions to the challenges currently faced by the nation’s public school systems.

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Internet Intervention

, Sarah Carlsruh

Affirmative Action may come to broadcasting, but will popular commentators be squeezed off the air by a new system of quotas or goals and timetables?

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Recent Articles

Study: Tall People Vote Conservative

, Spencer Irvine

Hmm, that’s interesting…guess it’s in the genes? The study finds that in Britain “taller individuals are more likely to support the Conservative party, support conservative policies, and vote conservative.” Specifically, the researchers report that a…

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Anti-Semitism on Campus 2016

, Malcolm A. Kline

The anti-Semitism evident in e-mails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC), which WikLeaks obtained,  might not surprise so many if they knew how prevalent that attitude is on American college campuses. The AMCHA Initiative housed…

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Here Lies Black Lives Matter Data

, Malcolm A. Kline

In the wake of Harvard researcher Roland G. Fryer’s finding that the central thesis of Black Lives Matter — that unarmed black suspects are more likely to be killed by white cops than white “persons…

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