Recent Articles

The Ivory Ceiling

, Justin DeRise

Professors Stanley Rothman, Neil Nevitte and S. Robert Lichter tested the hypothesis that “an ideological homogeneity exists in academia that has become self reinforcing.”

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Cindy Goes to College

, Tony Maalouf

Ever since Hurricane Katrina knocked Cindy Sheehan off page one, she’s been popping up in a lot of new places, like college campuses at $5000 a speech.

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A primer on Conservatism

, Malcolm A. Kline

Political conservatism speaks with four heads and one heart, according to a noted conservative scholar, although he admits that not one member of that quartet is likely to get a fair hearing on any college or university campus.

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Twilight for CINO universities

, Malcolm A. Kline

Those colleges and universities that seem to be vying for the chance to be Catholic in Name Only (CINO) may soon lose even that designation because Pope Benedict XVI has indicated in his writings that the Mother Church may release these institutions of higher learning to fend for themselves.

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Data Creep

, George C. Leef

A technological revolution may bring about a sea change in the way the higher education industry works.

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Recent Articles

Post-Cold War Recession Myths Debunked

, Spencer Irvine

The oft-perpetuated myth, that rapid economic reforms post-Cold War drove the Eastern bloc into early recession, has been debunked by an economics professor at the libertarian think tank Cato Institute’s conference on the Cold War….

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Pagan Catholicism at Loyola

, Malcolm A. Kline

When Catholic colleges and universities embrace diversity, Catholics should worry.  “Loyola University Chicago recently christened a new pagan student club, with its student organizer saying the group aims to help pupils at the private Catholic college…

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Anti-Semitism in Action

, Malcolm A. Kline

When faced with a choice between confronting two evils, elites—particularly academic ones—usually focus on the less prevalent one.  “In April, the Fifth Annual Conference on Islamophobia was held at UC Berkeley’s Boalt Law School, organized…

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Common Core Rulz

, Malcolm A. Kline

On both coasts, grandparents are learning to apply a modern-day rule of thumb with surprising accuracy: If it looks inane, it’s probably Common Core. “The Berkeley school district’s curriculum for sixth-grade math was an exact…

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More Common Core for You!

, Spencer Irvine

President Obama’s favorite think tank Center for American Progress (CAP), wants to align standardized tests with Common Core standards. Recently, at CAP: Nancy DePalma, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, West Hartford Public Schools,…

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When Communists Murdered a Priest

, Paul Kengor

Editor’s note: The original piece was published at The American Spectator. It was October 19, 1984—30 years ago this week. A gentle, courageous, and genuinely holy priest, Jerzy Popieluszko, age 37, found himself in a…

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