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The Less Traveled Path of Grove City College

, Eric Langborgh

The ways in which America’s colleges and universities are rotting are many.  Perhaps the most bitter pill to swallow is that despite the decay, the cost of college has ballooned more than tenfold in real terms in the past quarter century.

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April 2000 – Campus Report

, Accuracy in Academia

SUNY-Potsdam’s War on Frats Daniel Flynn Cops Sicced on Greeks for Giving Out Cocoa, Wearing Letters Faternities at the State University of New York at Potsdam (SUNY-Potsdam) are crying foul after their member were threatened…

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Recent Articles

Einstein’s Other Theory Tested

, Malcolm A. Kline

Scientific genius Albert Einstein posited a theory, other than the scientific ones he is known for, that has withstood the test of time:  Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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Look what comes last

, Accuracy in Academia

“In higher education the social values of social cohesion and progress, social welfare and service, the institutional values of economy and efficiency and the academic values of knowledge, truth, and increase in intellectual capital are…

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American Exceptionalism Questioned

, Malcolm A. Kline

That an Ivy League historian takes exception to the idea of American Exceptionalism may not surprise. That the skeptic is not a man of the Left is rather noteworthy. “The term did not even exist…

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Bipartisan Brush-Off

, Malcolm A. Kline

“In neither political party are realists, libertarians and Christians particularly welcome.”—UPenn historian Walter McDougall at the Cato Institute, February 7, 2013.

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