When a journalist and scholar specializing in education experiences New York’s public schools as a parent, he finds the experience even more alarming than the statistics.
Recent Articles
The Power Grab of the NEA
A former high school principal shows us a side of the National Education Association that the nation’s largest teachers’ union does not normally publicize.
Profile: Meredith College
Meredith College, for many, has beaten the man-hater stereotype attached to many all-female institutions.
Radical Islam in the wake of 9/11
While the educational establishment promotes a study of Islam that downplays the acts of the more extreme practitioners of the creed, the author of a new book shows the danger of such an approach.
Anti-American, Anti-Israel Iraq Forum at The College of New Jersey
At The College Of New Jersey, two professors turned a forum on Iraq into an anti-war rally aimed at U. S. and Israeli policies, and history, a senior History major at the school reports.
More money not the answer to school woes
Although public officials and school administrators frequently plead for more government funding in order to bolster test scores, at least one academic remains skeptical.
Free Speech On Campus Gagged, Senators Hear
College Administrators are redefining free speech out of existence on campuses across the country, witnesses representing students and alumni told U. S. senators at a hearing late last month.
Behind Day Care Doors
Are day care centers as beneficial for children as the academic experts tell us they are or do they produce troubled children? A new book tries to answer that question.
On Campus, History Gives Way To Behavior Modification, Senators Hear
Students can graduate without History requirements but not without diversity training, a congressional committee learns.
Civil Liberties On Campus: At Risk
College admistrators now make civil rights and civil liberties an either/or choice, a new book by law school professor David E. Bernstein shows.
Recent Articles
Fossil Fuel Divestment Fever
Youth, like age, hath its privileges, and one of them seems to be the right to not think too far ahead.
No Limit: Unintended Consequences
In the academic and political worlds in which our laws are incubated and passed, there is one statute scholars and politicos routinely ignore: the law of unintended consequences.
Fox Exposure: Radical Professor
On his February 14 show, in order to hype the controversy and his own ratings, O’Reilly introduced Hill as “Dr. Marc Lamont Hill,” a professor at Columbia University in New York City, and “an ardent liberal guy, and that’s fine.”
Pagan Invasion On Campus
The University of Missouri’s “Guide to Religion” includes nearly 10 Wiccan and Pagan observances that professors are asked to consider when scheduling homework or tests.
Race, Class & Gender
If you’re wondering why students who study U.S. History appear not to have learned a thing about history, there’s a reason.
Wal-Mart of Education?
Amid the sound and fury over escalating college tuition costs and the student loan bubble, a practical idea may actually have taken hold.
100 Education Reforms
The latest study from the National Association of Scholars features 100 education reforms, including Accuracy in Academia’s.
RINO Hunting In Academia
Being a Republican In Name Only may be the kiss of death in GOP primaries but it’s a great selling point in academia.
Academic Finds Guns Unsound
When academics weigh in on social issues, they tend to get sociological.
Where Academia Fails…Again
“Academia doesn’t train how to do archival research or reward people for doing it.” Hershel Parker, professor of English, emeritus, at the University of Delaware, author of Herman Melville: A Biography.