Purdue University Offers LGBTQ Study Abroad to Visit Sex Shops

, Accuracy in Academia, 1 Comment

Purdue University offers a six-credit study-abroad LGBT sex history program in Paris, France and Berlin, Germany, where activities have included the following:

In previous years, students have participated in variety of LGBTQ activities. In Paris, they went sightseeing in the Montmartre neighborhood—which, according to the program’s blog, “was filled with sex shops, strip clubs, lingerie stores, [and] porn shops…”

While in New York City, they visited the Museum of Sex, where they viewed exhibits such as “FunLand: Pleasures & Perils of the Erotic Playground,” a carnival-themed room where they were encouraged to “contemplate the sexual subtext of carnivals,” as well as an attraction that one student simply refers to as a “bouncy castle of breasts.”