They are demanding better food, which they get for free to begin with. Uh, okay?
Topic: Chicago
Million Student March Organizer is a 1%-er After All
Keely Mullins, the female student who was embarrassed on Fox Business’ Neil Cavuto for only knowing her talking points, is a privileged Chicagoan.
Dept of Ed Orders Chicago High School to Allow Transgender Student to Use Girls’ Locker Room
This is getting out of hand, isn’t it? The U.S. Department of Education has ordered suburban Chicago’s Township High School District 211 to permit a transgender woman (born male) “full use” of the girls’ locker room ……
Delaying Common Core the Chicago Way
Opposition to Common Core continues to spread well across party lines, no matter how much the educational establishment tires to minimize the blowback. “Illinois state officials have threatened to withhold funding from school districts that…
Spreading the wealth, education-style
Underperforming schools have been closing in Chicago. The results are still open to discussion…