Gregory Thatcher, the Fresno State University professor who literally tried to erase the first amendment rights of pro-life students who chalked their views on the sidewalks of the university has to pay for his attempt to censor him.
Fresno State Students for Life (FSSL) president Bernadette Tasy took him to court with the aid of the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) and won, big time. “On November 3, the court issued an injunction that prohibits Professor Thatcher from ever again interfering with FSSL’s First Amendment rights,” George Leef writes in Forbes. “It also imposes some rather hefty costs on him for his illegal actions.”
“He has to pay $1000 each to Tasy and another student who was involved. He also has to pay $15,000 in legal fees to ADF.”
“Finally, the court order requires Thatcher to go through a two-hour educational session on the First Amendment, a session that will be conducted by ADF’s Travis Barham.” In many ways that is the most delicious denouement of all. Happy Thanksgiving!