A university think tank just published a list of recommendations for paying for college. Perhaps not too surprisingly, they mostly involve increasing taxpayer-funded government subsidies of higher education.
To its credit, the Miller Center at the University of Virginia acknowledges that the economy is worse than the U. S. government claims it is. “Total unemployed, people who want to work but are discouraged from looking, and people who are working part time because they cannot fnd a full-time job peaked in 2010 but remains at 9.8 percent,” the executive summary of “Investing in the Future: Sharing Responsibility for Higher Education Attainment,” reads.
Nevertheless, the key word in the recommendations published by the Miller Center is “sharing.” The “National Commission on Financing 21st Century Higher Education” primarily recommends that we “increase federal and state institutional support” and “enhance state revenue to support higher education”
“The 14-member National Commission on Financing 21st Century Higher Education is led by two former governors and includes two state legislators, five university presidents and five private sector CEOs,” according to the report. Nonetheless, though the quartet of public officials, current and former, who serve on the commission is neatly bipartisan, it consists of partisan Democrats and establishment, maybe even accommodationist, Republicans.