This July 4th, we celebrate yet another birthday of America and the American Dream. We at Accuracy in Academia wish you and your loved ones a great July 4th to celebrate the birth of America and the freedoms we enjoy.
Grill all the hot dogs and burgers and enjoy the fireworks!
We’ll leave you with a quote from the 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan:
“…America’s past of which we’re so proud, our hopes and aspirations for the future of the world and this much-loved country — these things far outweigh what little divides us. And so tonight we reaffirm that Jew and gentile, we are one nation under God; that black and white, we are one nation indivisible; that Republican and Democrat, we are all Americans. Tonight, with heart and hand, through whatever trial and travail, we pledge ourselves to each other and to the cause of human freedom, the cause that has given light to this land and hope to the world.”