Recent Articles

Cyber School without Walls

, Malcolm A. Kline

Technology buffs in the city of Brotherly Love are taking the School Without Walls concept into what may be the second-to-last frontier at Philadelphia’s Science Leadership Academy (SLA).

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18-24 Year-Olds Choose Obama & Giuliani

, Wendy Cook

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and U.S. Senator Barack Obama are first choice among 18-24 year-olds for President in 2008 according to the Harvard Institute of Politics 12th Biannual Youth Survey on Politics and Public Service.

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Dismal Science or Dreary Instruction?

, Malcolm A. Kline

Can it be that economics has its reputation as the dismal science because of the way it is taught? Economist Peter G. Klein, in his appreciation of the founder of the Austrian School of Economics—Carl Menger— indicates that may be the case.

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The Al-Jazeera of Psychotic Killers

, Cliff Kincaid

Phil Rosenthal of the Chicago Tribune notes the strange decision by NBC to put its NBC News logo and the NBC peacock, “in all its multicolored glory,” on the videos and photos that it released of Virginia Tech mass murderer Cho Seung Hui.

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Campus Footnotes

, Malcolm A. Kline

Like many other ills that afflict society, it now appears that the so-called “achievement gap” between white and black students is also a byproduct of secular progressive policies.

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Grumpy Old Men

, Malcolm A. Kline

Institutions of higher learning, designed to be the most temperate pillars of society, produce some of America’s most intemperate and unsubstantiated rhetoric; and the two Granddaddies of grandiloquence have to be Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn.

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Rap for the Rich

, Wendy Cook

The controversy continues to swirl around the remarks made by Don Imus about the Rutger’s Women’s basketball team being “nappy headed hoes”—which eventually got him fired.

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VT Elegy

, Tony Perkins

For many of us, the bloody horrors at Virginia Tech served as a sudden and painful reminder that we live in a fallen world where man is capable of unthinkable evil.

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Recent Articles

ISIS Whack-A-Mole

, Spencer Irvine

Academia might not understand ISIS, but the service academies do. ISIS, or ISIL, has made significant territorial gains across the Middle East and inroads into the heart of Africa. A recent panel discussion on the…

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Why They Can’t Stop Trump

, Cliff Kincaid

Editor’s Note: Two political scientists find Trump still has winning hands In a Sunday column in The Washington Post, “Stop laughing at Donald Trump,” a liberal analyst from the Brookings Institution tries to warn the…

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Planned Parenthood Travels the Organ Trail

, Tony Perkins

Editor’s Note: Something colleges and collegians need to know before they get involved with this outfit.  For years, Planned Parenthood has fought against late-term abortion bans. And now we know why. The earlier babies are aborted,…

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