Recent Articles

Abusing the Legacy

, Jim Kouri

Instead of sharing the stories of talented and successful blacks, Black History month events on campuses mostly promote anti-white, pro-Marxist and left-wing ideas.

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Universities Under Fire

, Julia A. Seymour

Penn State and Temple are being sued for policies that the Alliance Defense Fund attorney’s say infringe on student’s right to free expression, and for retaliating against a student.

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Recent Articles

Teachers Support School Choice

, Malcolm A. Kline

More than half of American teachers support school choice, a Democratic pollster said at the National Press Club on January 22, 2015. “Fifty-five percent of teachers support the concept of school choice,” Debbie Beck said….

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When MLA gets Religion Wrong

, Spencer Irvine

When professors do pay attention to religion, they usually get it wrong. “Conservatives would rather have [social welfare] provided by religious organizations, which is incompatible with other aspects of Catholic social teaching,” Robin Sowards, an…

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