Faculty Lounge Catholic St. Louis University holds Feminism Week, Complete with Pro-Choice Activists Spencer Irvine March 15, 2015 As The College Fix reported: “A pro-choice, pro-LGBT activist whose website glorifies abortion doctors as “heroes” and offers tutorials on…
Faculty Lounge UCLA Feminist Group tries to Boycott Christina Hoff Sommers, a Feminism Author Spencer Irvine March 5, 2015 The feminist group at UCLA is boycotting Sommers’ talk because Sommers debunks many liberal feminist myths and theories, a former…
Faculty Lounge NYU Professor links Immigration to Gays Spencer Irvine March 3, 2015 New York University Professor Cristina Beltrán, a professor who researches feminism, race and gender issues, gave a workshop at UCLA on…
Events, News Feminists, Gays and Crip[ple] Theory Spencer Irvine January 21, 2015 In one of the few crowded roundtable discussions at the recent MLA conference in Vancouver, which was far from a…
Perspectives Beyoncé and Jay-Z: Leaders of Equality and Feminism? Gabrielle Okun July 17, 2014 The Barclays Center is usually associated with the Brooklyn Nets, not an active way to show deep political and social…
News Conservative University’s “ObamaCare vs. Women” Class is Online TODAY! Check it Out! Malcolm A. Kline July 8, 2014 Are women just focused on free contraceptives and birth control? Independent Women’s Forum Director of Health Policy, Hadley Heath Manning,…
News Conservative University’s “Sex, Lies and Women’s Studies” on Gender Pay Gap Malcolm A. Kline July 1, 2014 Is there a gender pay gap? Economist Diana Furchtgott-Roth, a former Undersecretary of Labor, says no. Mrs. Roth is currently…