Over at the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), Brian C. Mitchell asks whether colleges have lost the battle for public perception. His answer, in an academic fashion, is yes. His reasons are academic too:…
Topic: higher ed
Outcry as New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez Vetoes Higher Education Funding
Academics are in a panic in New Mexico as the governor vetoed funding higher education institutions to stop the legislature from raising taxes.
Survey: Majority of Academics think it’s ‘Too Early to Tell’ if Common Core was the ‘Right Decision’
Common Core State Standards, a top-to-bottom federal government education curriculum, is a relative unknown among academics, college faculty and professors in higher education. A joint survey, headed by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), discovered that…
Aquinas College Plans Deep Cuts, Will Go Back to Main Programs
Aquinas College, run by the Dominican sisters of the Roman Catholic Church, will be scaling back its faculty and programs in order to focus on its bread-and-butter programs, such as nursing. The small Catholic college saw that by expanding its programs, faculty and residence halls, it was running a budget deficit.
Survey: 4 in 10 Universities see Drop in International Student Enrollment
Students from the Middle East and India blamed the ‘travel ban’ from the Trump administration as a deterrent to applying to American colleges and universities. But, the survey also noted that potential students cite the…
The Office of Civil Rights Needs Urgent Reform; That Starts with Trump’s Nominee
A great read by George Leef at the James G. Martin Center: The next head of OCR should be someone who understands that those changes were both ill-advised and illegal and work to eliminate them….
Appointing Richard Vedder could Help Reform Higher Education
From the James Martin Center: DeVos’s department is also deeply involved in higher education, but the issues are different. What roils higher education are problems such as excessive costs, lack of intellectual diversity, faltering academic…
Cornel West: Donald Trump is ‘a Product of American Empire’ and ‘We’re All Responsible’ for His Election
The left-wing professor Cornel West was at a Harvard guest lecture and blasted Donald Trump: West used some colorful examples of what he considered “gangster,” adding, “I’m not trying to engage in some kind of…
Critic of Obama’s Education Policies is the New House Committee Chairwoman
Virginia Foxx, North Carolina congresswoman, has criticized the Obama Department of Education for their higher education policies. Now, she’s in charge of a congressional committee overseeing the department.
Obama’s New Regulation on Students Suing Colleges over Broken Promises Appears to be Vague
From the Washington Monthly: The Department of Education recently unveiled the final regulations known as “borrower defense to repayment” in a response to concerns about colleges defrauding students or suddenly closing their doors. These wide-ranging regulations, which…