Uh, why? Granted, this is a nation of second chances, but the public relations outcry and blowback related to Melissa Click is not easy to deal with for universities (at times):
Topic: Missouri
College Stupidity Award Goes to… University of Missouri
From the Daily Caller: A slew of campuses around the country offered up their fair share of lunacy, of course, but events at the University of Missouri reached world-historical, cosmically sublime levels absurdity during the…
No History Majors at Historical Black University Founded by Black American Civil War Veterans
The history major is no more at a historically black college that was founded by black American Civil War veterans.
There is a ‘Melissa Click Effect’? Interesting Study on Scandals and How It Affects Enrollment
Intriguing study: A recent study by researchers at Harvard Business School looked at the media effect on university scandals, and concludes that the longer a scandal remains in the news, the greater decline in enrollment…
‘The War on Cops’ by Heather Mac Donald: A Book Review
In light of the violent Black Lives Matter (BLM) rhetoric, protests and the murder of five Dallas police officers, Heather Mac Donald’s book, The War on Cops, rebuts much of the BLM and anti-police rhetoric…
ESPN to Honor Mizzou Football Players
Social activism by Mizzou football players garnered the attention from ESPN. Go figure.
Mizzou’s Orlando Vigil Hijacked by Race Activist
No wonder their student enrollment dropped heading into this fall…their students are ideologues and will stop at almost nothing to make a point.
Senator Tom Cotton’s Reminder: Police Lives Matter, too
Coverage of the use-of-force incidences such as the shooting of Michael Brown, the suffocation of Eric Garner, and the death of Freddie Gray has created an “anti-cop” sentiment in the United States that many, including…
After Black Lives Matter Chaos, Mizzou will Restrict Forms of Protest
Banned are overnight camping protests and other methods used by Black Lives Matter protesters.
Melissa Click, in Documentary, says She Should’ve Been More Polite
The ESPN documentary, directed by Spike Lee, interviewed the fired Mizzou professor Melissa Click, whose comments and actions against a student reporter went viral.