The University of Texas-San Antonio is looking to curtail the Texas law that will allow concealed carry on college campuses at state colleges in the Lone Star State.
Topic: gun rights
Rowdy and Rebellious
At the young age of 18, Regis Giles decided that she had enough of seeing headlines about women who were abducted, raped and murdered so she began to motivate women to take the initiative and…
College Republicans Lead Rally Against Proposed Gun Ban in Massachusetts
What an effort: “The College Republicans of Bridgewater State University rallied more than 400 protesters outside the Massachusetts State House Thursday to protest a proposed gun ban.”
Highly Trained, Well Informed
Carrie Lightfoot entered into the firearm industry later in life and distinctly remembers the first time she went shooting. Although slightly scared at first, she quickly fell in love and began seeking information geared towards…
NRA Museum — Preserving History
While the National Rifle Association may be in the headlines for its legislative work, or endorsing presumed Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, the lesser known work acquiring, displaying and preserving historically significant firearms is a…
Gun Goddess
This is one article in the series “Gals with Guns” by Emily Hughes. This series takes a look into a variety of women gun owners, their experiences and the future of gun rights and ownership…
Armed and Content
This is one article in the series “Gals with Guns” by Emily Hughes. This series takes a look into a variety of women gun owners, their experiences and the future of gun rights and ownership…
Liberals Upset at Pro-Gun Trade Foundation for Funding College Student Groups
This isn’t a surprising reaction from the Left to be upset at a gun trade group funding, with its own money, college student groups.
A Mouse in Front of the Lion
This is one article in the series “Gals with Guns” by Emily Hughes. This series takes a look into a variety of women gun owners, their experiences and the future of gun rights and ownership…
90% of Tennessee Professors Disagree and Think Campus Carry Makes Them Unsafe
Yes, banning weapons used for self-defense sounds like a superb idea, if you want innocent lives lost. Thanks for nothing, Tennessee professors.