The president of Yale is trying to assuage a public that is increasingly skeptical of the value of a college education today.
Topic: The Chronicle of Higher Education
Another Liberal in Favor of Free Speech
A young liberal college student at Williams College is trying to arrange non-liberal speakers to come and speak to his fellow students, contrary to the reaction at Cal-Berkeley.
Hoop Earrings and Cultural Appropriation
Hoop earrings are not cultural appropriation and have been adopted by a variety of cultures, said one University of Pennsylvania college professor.
Education Press Trumped
Before the election, we reported on the education establishment’s befuddlement over the nascent political career of our president-elect. Since the election, we have seen college students acting out in response to the results, mostly in…
Here Lies Black Lives Matter Data
In the wake of Harvard researcher Roland G. Fryer’s finding that the central thesis of Black Lives Matter — that unarmed black suspects are more likely to be killed by white cops than white “persons…
Searching for Conservative Scholars
Here’s one of the reasons we do what we do. Even when the remaining journalists on the education beat bend over backwards to cover a story fairly, they still wind up giving it the educational…
Melissa Click Claims She was Fired because She is White
As our friend Ashe Schow writes, the saga of Melissa Click continues: After being fired by the University of Missouri for assaulting a student journalist during a protest and threatening to call for “muscle” to…
Clinging to Questionable Statistics
Academia is supposed to be a place in which scholars pursue inquiries. Perhaps more academics should have inquiring minds. “One in five women and one in 71 men will be raped at some point in…
How Safe Spaces Stifle Ideas
A good take from The Chronicle of Higher Education on how safe spaces are infringing on ideas and innovation.
Politically Scientific Math
A professor found an easier way to study math. Unfortunately, he’s a political scientist. “I propose an alternative to mathematics, what I call numerical literacy, or for lack of a better phrase, adult arithmetic,” Andrew…